Swavesey Shorts
A couple of decisions from the Swavesey Chouette. First a short race recube: XGID=−B−E−C−−−−−−−−−−−−−abbbba−:1:−1:−1:00:0:0:3:0:10 Phil in the box was red, redoubling Jon […]
A couple of decisions from the Swavesey Chouette. First a short race recube: XGID=−B−E−C−−−−−−−−−−−−−abbbba−:1:−1:−1:00:0:0:3:0:10 Phil in the box was red, redoubling Jon […]
From a thundery Swavesey chouette: the last game of the night was a topsy-turvy affair, culminating in this cube action: XGID=-CBDC-a—–A-Baa-abbbcb–:3:1:1:D:0:0:3:0:10 After […]
From the Swavesey chouette: Some idiot in the box (white) doubled, which was very, very wrong. Obviously I followed this up by […]
From the Swavesey chouette. A surprisingly devastating double 6 while bearing in left Jon crying into his beer and facing a horrible […]
Analysing a game played on Gridgammon and GNU suggests the move I made faced with the above position was ‘bad.’ I moved […]