
The Cambridge Backgammon Club was established in August 2017 by Peter Booth, originally using the MeetUp platform. Believing that Backgammon is inherently a social game, the idea was to create an environment for people in Cambridge and the surrounding area to play Backgammon live, with real people that you can enjoy a chat with.

Backgammon is one of the world’s truly great board games. It has been played for over 3,000 years – a testament to its enduring fascination. Hundreds of people play live games regularly in the UK and thousands play regularly online. It’s a game that takes only a short time to learn, but years to master.

The Club is for anyone wanting to play the game they love or wanting to learn. We welcome players of all abilities and we encourage people to play the kind of game they want to play, be it social only, league matches or tournaments.

We hope to see you soon!